This page is to clarify how this site works in relation to your personal data.


We are not advanced enough to use general cookies, so we don’t store anything like that – which is why you should not have received one of those annoying popups.

Tracking Data

If you arrived here via an advertisement or a search engine, the click will have been tracked but no personal data is stored, nor even viewed, by anyone associated with or Crater of the North Publishing Ltd. We occasionally use tracking pixels, but this only reveals the NUMBER of clicks, not WHO is clicking.

However, companies like Google and Facebook may have retained some tracking information relating to your shopping habits and interests. Please refer to those companies for their data use policies.

In other words, we don’t know who you are, and have no way of finding out. But Google and Facebook (for example) may have.


If you arrived here through one of the newsletters, please be aware that GoogleAnalytics is installed in our service as standard. This shows which subscribers have opened the newsletter and who has clicked on any links within.

This is for internal use only.

We do not pass on email addresses to third parties, nor any personal information or statistics obtained through GoogleAnalytics. We do not contact any subscriber for any reason except information relating to A. D. Davies (or other pen names in the chosen genres).

An exception to this is if a subscriber has initiated contact with the website or replied to a newsletter regarding another matter, which we will take as one-time permission to contact the subscriber regarding their query or comment.

To be clear: anyone signing up to the newsletter or subscriber group is signing up only to this list, and no personal information will be shared outside of the stated purpose.

External Retailers and Affiliates

If you click a link on this site, we do not see any identifying information relating to that. Again, just numbers, not who has clicked or where they are from. There are a very small number of links on this site which are affiliate links. For example, if you click on a Kindle Unlimited graphic and sign up for Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited service, we receive a small commission; additionally, some book links taking you directly to retailer sites may be affiliate links.

Again, we do not see any identifying information regarding any purchase you make, nor any links you click, affiliate or otherwise.


We are not collecting your data. If you sign up to a newsletter or list, we only know what you enter, and only contact you relating to its stated purpose. Subscribers can unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of every newsletter.

However, if you arrived here via another site or if you click through to another site, those other providers may have a more active role with regards data collection, such as cookies. Please consult those sites for their policy regarding this.

Many thanks for your interest. We hope you stick around. is owned by the imprint Crater of the North Publishing Ltd, the company used to publish books by A. D. Davies, any collaborations with other authors, a handful of pen names, and partnered authors